Afternoon Walk on the Water

Good Afternoon!

Hope your Sunday is off to a great start and you had a nice weekend! We are still recovering from our crazy early New Years Eve party last night. (kidding…wasn’t THAT crazy) We will post more on that soon with lots of yummy food ideas!

We cleaned up the house a little this morning…you know what that is like with confetti, balloons, kids, white table cloths, a chocolate fountain… sigh..and made some pancakes to go with our rainy sunday morning. I ate so much delicious food last night I have got to get back into mode.

Savannah, Starr and I went out for a cold workout. Only a few miles, but it was beautiful and ohhhh so cold!

imageI used Starr’s new headphones as a double purpose earmuffs and headphones, and they worked great keeping my ears warm!

imageSavannah went for a more ‘Northern Look’ sporting actual warm winter attire.


We bundled up in our leggings and nikes and strutted our stuff on the empty Maine back roads 🙂


 Alright, we are off to make some panini’s and curl up on the couch catching up on a few blog posts from the past few days and maybe a movie, fire and some warm coffee.

What did you do this weekend?

Have you been thinking about your New Years Resolutions yet?




Half Marathon Registration and Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Sierra and I are in Maine and we are loving the free time to relax, and of course bake cookies 🙂 . Despite the time that we do spend on the couch and sitting around drinking hot cocoa, we still find time to exercise!


Today we ventured out to the local YMCA and ran a few miles on the treadmills. We then biked a few miles on high resistance.

I love to run outside, its just not an option here- its too cold and rains all the time!

Since News Years Resolutions are coming up soon, all four of us sisters have decided to register for the Fort Lauderdale A1A Half Marathon. Our oldest sister (who got us all into running in the first place) will most likely run the full marathon because 13 miles is just not enough for her!

Sierra and I have just finished recovering from our Halloween half marathon in October, so its time for a new adventure! One of the main reasons we chose the A1A race is the medal:


If you are around the area, we would love to see you there!

We are off to on a rainy walk to the store- about 3 miles- to buy some essentials for the holidays! (aka hot cocoa)

❤ Savannah