Half Marathon Registration and Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Sierra and I are in Maine and we are loving the free time to relax, and of course bake cookies 🙂 . Despite the time that we do spend on the couch and sitting around drinking hot cocoa, we still find time to exercise!


Today we ventured out to the local YMCA and ran a few miles on the treadmills. We then biked a few miles on high resistance.

I love to run outside, its just not an option here- its too cold and rains all the time!

Since News Years Resolutions are coming up soon, all four of us sisters have decided to register for the Fort Lauderdale A1A Half Marathon. Our oldest sister (who got us all into running in the first place) will most likely run the full marathon because 13 miles is just not enough for her!

Sierra and I have just finished recovering from our Halloween half marathon in October, so its time for a new adventure! One of the main reasons we chose the A1A race is the medal:


If you are around the area, we would love to see you there!

We are off to on a rainy walk to the store- about 3 miles- to buy some essentials for the holidays! (aka hot cocoa)

❤ Savannah

Morning Bunny Sightings

I went to bed around 1:30 last night, and set my alarm for 11- thinking I wouldn’t wake up until then. Nope! It was either my internal alarm or the weather report my older sister had sent me saying this morning would be in the 60’s that must have gotten me out of bed at 8 am. Even though it was early Sunday morning, I had so much energy and it felt nice getting up early before anyone else.

I made myself a bowl of plain greek yogurt with cheerios, bananas, berries, almonds, craisins, cinnamon and a drizzle of honey for a little extra sweet before I headed out the door.


I stepped out the door, and it was a little chillier than I had thought, and went back in to grab a long sleeve shirt! That never happens in Florida! I was kind of excited!


Although I love my shoes.. the treads on them are really starting to wear down.. and I am needing a new pair soon.. any thoughts or recommendations from anyone on their favorite sneakers?

I met a few different things along my jog this morning 🙂

photophoto 1-2These ducks are everywhere! I was going to snap a picture of each one, but who hasn’t seen a duck before? Anyone else who lives in Florida…they just wander around neighborhoods that have no nearby bodies of water?

Passing the beach…(only in south Florida!)


I was surprised at how few houses decorated for Easter, although I know everyone does not celebrate this holiday.

photo 1photo 2photo 3You get the idea; decorations were at a minimal in my neighborhood. Although there were many lovely spring flowers blossoming that made up for the lack of color.

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But I spotted these golden coconuts, reminding me of these southern easter eggs…


And for a little springtime fashion, how cute is this dress my sister sent me?


Oh, and I almost forgot- I wanted to share this funny youtube account that I found.. 🙂

This guy is so funny! You have to watch the whole video (especially around 3:52)

Have a fabulous Sunday! ❤


Share with us your Sunday Morning 🙂

And if you still need help with glitter eggs… check out our DIY here.