7 Monday Motivations For You

Good Morning!

In Honor of July 7th and the first Monday of July I wanted to share a few of my Motivational Monday quotes for a Muscular Monday. I must add that whoever came up with “Motivational Monday”, “Muscle Monday” etc. in the social media clouds has proven to be a genius!

Often there are three types of body images in the media, whether it is Runner’s World, Vogue or Woman’s World etc.. Although there are many different body types that fit in between those lines and are still seen..it is rare and bare between to see them in the media. (“Photoshop is the new black” 😦 sadly) I know “everyone is different” and it is absolutely true..but sometimes motivational pictures can still do wonders.

Represented in the fashion and Hollywood scenes are usually stick straight legs and popping collar bones, and turn the page to a Woman’s World and we are looking at House Wives trying to lose 30 pounds. Open a Runner’s World Magazine and you will see muscular men and women athletes in the newest workout gear. I am not exactly sure where I am going with this, as I started this blog post with just a few pictures of inspiration. Yet I want to make sure that all of you understand that we do not all have to be one image, and healthy does not equal one image or one body type. When you open any of those three magazines and start flipping through the pages.. sometimes I start to think… “Where am I?”


This mother know these very, very wise words and they should never be forgotten!

Remember, your normal is extraordinary!

I am trying to get at the point that Motivational Mondays are individual. Completely individual. Remember this!

Each picture, and every word you read on your Facebook Newsfeed, your Instagram feed, your Twitter scroll and in your email inbox; apply it to your life but let it stretch to fit your life. Bend a little, but let those words and images bend with you. This is most important. Remember this.


(I will let you bend this picture to your life, rather than put more words into your mouth and mind)

Sometimes we all need that Kick In The Butt. My older sister Haley signed us up for the “Kick In The Butt” Emails from Runner’s World about a year ago. She entered all of our email addresses into the Runner’s World Website and we all receive our daily “Kick In The Butt”. If you would like to sign up for these daily morning emails you can do it right here:  Sign Up For Running Tips (I highly, highly recommend it!)

Also.. I was reading a few articles last week and came across these great tips. Check them out here: 101 Runner’s World Motivational Tips

So here are my last four DO IT’S! They have probably been seen and probably been heard.. but remember them!

photo(6) photo(1) photo(1)

Lastly, I just want to let everyone know who is really looking for daily motivation listen to Johnny Depp!


Oh, and in the wisest words of my sister Haley… “Just do it! Get it over with! It is like brushing your teeth!”

❤ Sierra

p.s. What do you use for motivation?

Share with us your favorite motivational quote.. or whatever gets you going in life!

3 thoughts on “7 Monday Motivations For You

  1. Lol at the dryer is normal quote hahaha!! I agree there are many variations of healthy but what is important is that you take care of and appreciate your body. It is your house and your temple and the only one you get. It is what you show to the world and (how the world often judges you). Staying positive is so important as it often makes you want to be healthier. Never say there is not enough time. Time will pass anyways!!!!!


    1. Kristin, Powerful words… “Time will pass anyways” Yes! Stay strong to yourself and take care of yourself, and it will create a more positive mindset, which will motivate you to continue on a healthy journey, and the cycle goes around 🙂 Stay true to you and respect yourself and the choices you make!


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